Why Utah

Utah is not the first place that come to mind when planning that vacation.  No Ocean views there and what to do with the kids?  I say I was pleasantly surprised on our visit to Utah.  The Great Salt Lake is pretty cool and the Salt Flats are something to see.  This part of the […]

Utah Salt Flats

Utah is home of the Bonneville Salt Flats.  This is where they test cars that break the speed records.  This is chosen as it has miles and miles of unobstructed flat land.  When you are approaching the sound barrier in a car you cant hit a pot hole.  The are of the Bonneville Salt Flats  is […]

Utah RV Travel

Driving my RV through Utah was an experience.  I was not feeling well so the wife jumped into the drivers seat.  We were crossing the salt flats and the roads are good.  The weather turned a little dicey and the wind pushed us around quit a bit.  The wife hung in there with some complaining […]

Utah Camping

We travel a lot in the motorhome we have been from the west to the east. North and South of this great country of ours. Utah camping is a great love with skiing to arches to golfing. What every it is that you love to do is it just re-bonding with love ones after working […]